Soundtrack Review (Flashback): Thor: The Dark World

Marvel are getting quite a lot right at the moment in terms of their filmic output. They’ve got great special effects, top quality directors, and spot-on casting all down to a perfect T. It is for all of these reasons that they’re now an unstoppable cinematic juggernaut, churning out hit after hit and making it look easy while they do so. But there’s one area in which the studio seems to repeatedly stumble. There’s one thing that they never seem to get quite right (besides villains that is). Indeed, whilst they seem to nail almost every other aspect of production, for whatever reason Marvel just cannot find a distinctive musical voice. The studio is currently 13 films into its cinematic universe, however it is still lacking a properly iconic superhero score. They’ve come close a few times (Alan Silvestri did a pretty solid job with Captain America: The First Avenger), but nothing has truly popped yet. No matter who is on composing duties, Marvel soundtracks consistently feel stale and rather generic.

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