Blu-Ray Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

This was originally published at The Edge SUSU on December 3rd. 

In a world where D.C appear to be struggling with Batman and Superman, Marvel have the audacity to make a film about a talking raccoon, a tree creature capable of saying only three words and a truckload of other characters that even the most devoted of fanboys would shrug their shoulders at, and incidentally they happen to make one of the biggest successes of the year. Continue reading

Soundtrack Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

This was originally published at The Edge SUSU on August 6th 2014.

The very first thing you hear in James Gunn’s exquisite comic-book space opera Guardians of the Galaxy isn’t the fanfare music for Marvel studios, nor is it expository narration. It isn’t even a heroic theme for its title characters. Continue reading