Why Hollywood’s Unhealthy Obsession With Movie Ratings Needs to End


This was originally published at Flickering Myth on 13 October 2018.

From a sanitised Die Hard sequel to an R-rated Star Trek, when it comes to ratings Hollywood is incapable of leaving well enough alone.

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Is it just me, or has the theatre became the worst place to watch movies?

This was originally published at Flickering Myth on June 23rd 2018. 

A quick disclaimer: It took numerous rewrites for me to get this article into a state where it no longer resembled a deranged manifesto. At one point it was just the phrase ”Tear it all down” repeated for roughly 6 pages, along with a few obligatory references to”the phonies”. Despite my best efforts to reign all that stuff in, this therapeutic exercise is still going to be incredibly spiteful and mean-spirited. So… Enjoy?

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Reel Opinions Podcast: Episode 22- The Best Films of 2017


Review: Stranger Things (Season 1)

I really do love that Stranger Things has gone down so well with such a wide audience. I can barely check in on twitter or Facebook without seeing someone recommending it or sharing a link to its fantastic soundtrack. The show ticked so many of my own personal boxes (Monsters! Mystery! Superpowers! The 1980s! Poltergeist references!) but I’m pleasantly surprised to see that everyone else is connecting so strongly to it as well. Continue reading